Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hammock Test

One of my favorite pieces of gear is my new hammock.  It is a Warbonnet Blackbird 1.1 double layer.  Double layer means I can put a pad for insulation between me and the ground.  I had a chance to sleep in it for 2 weeks on a camping trip and it was the best sleep I've ever had.  I wish I could sleep in it in my house!!!  Here are some pictures from learning to set it up at the GT Bray Park before our trip.
This is what my hammock looks like under the tarp.
Here is me inside the hammock with my foot sticking out, ha ha!!!
This is my tarp.  It's called the Warbonnet Superfly.  It has "doors" on each end so it's almost like a tent.  Hopefully it will protect me from wind, rain and even snow on the trail.  It did a great job keeping me dry and warm on my recent camping trip.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the trees there at the park, so nice in the shade. Hammocks rock!
