Sunday, March 16, 2014

What I learned at the AT kickoff (ATKO)

Things I learned at the ATKO:
1. Rehydrating food is harder than it would seem. I either added too much water or not enough. Too much makes soup. Not enough makes glop.
2. I love my hammock and my Underground Quilts quilts. They are so well made and comfy and warm.
3. My backpack was a disorganized mess. I need to learn how to pack it efficiently to maximize volume and to remember where everything is so I don't have to dump it all out to find something.
4. I love falling asleep next to a stream. It is a beautiful sound.
5. I got a huge wake up call just hiking the .9 mile hike up to Springer. My lungs didn't like the up and my legs didn't like the down. I fell on the way down when my right ankle rolled. Came down hard on a rock on my right knee. Nothing serious, BUT it showed me how important it is to hike with my poles. I didn't have them with me.
6. I learned that the bottle I will use to collect water doesn't work well with my Steripen. It's too deep. I will have to find something different or use a different water purification system.
7. I was reminded of how important and emotional this journey is for me. I cried as I watched hikers sign the register on Springer and take pictures at the first white blaze. I was really unexpectedly overcome with emotion.
8. I learned that hikers become friends very easily. I met so many awesome people that opened their hearts and lives to me and offered to help in any way.
9. I learned how to layer and unlayer my clothing effectively. I'm a Florida girl so we don't usually have to layer much. This lesson taught me I can stay warm and comfortable most of the time.
10. I think I really got an understanding of the phrase "Hike Your Own Hike" as I began to see how I will approach situations and gear differently than some but it makes no difference at all. It's all good.


  1. Nice job!

    It's almost time! :)


  2. I am watching and reading intently and sad that there are so many surprises for you in your first week.
